Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Class Reflection

     I learned a lot more in this class than I expected. I didn't realize how many different types of tools we were going to work with. I feel better about navigating my way around a computer now. I have learned that they best way to learn about different web tools is to play around with them. I loved getting to play around with all the different tools each week. I plan on using a lot of the tools we learned about in my future classroom. Some of my favorite projects were the interactive white board and the digital story project. This class was tons of fun and a great learning experience!


     We used the imovie tool to create a digital story. I decided to create a story about myself. I thought this would be a cool way for a teacher to introduce their self at the beginning of the school year. I could create a video similar to the one I created for class. I liked using imovie and found it to be fairly easy. It was fun finding picture to use and putting captions with them! I could use this tool to create videos to introduce new material or to recap a field trip the class took. This tool will be very beneficial in my future classroom!