Monday, October 29, 2012


     Tonight we had a presentation on Wordle. Wordle is a free site for generating "word clouds" from text that you provide. Words that appear more frequent in the text are bigger in the world cloud. This would be cool to use in a classroom. Wordles are easy to create and can be printed off for a number of different uses, such as creating projects. A weakness to this site is that it works better with certain browsers rather than others because of missing plugins. I enjoyed playing around on this site and plan on using it in my own classroom in the future. It could be used in a special education classroom in a number of different ways. One way would be to help motivate students when learning new vocabulary words. At the beginning of a vocabulary unit students could create a Wordle using the new words. It would be a fun activity, but it would also have them working on spelling the new words before they being to learn the definitions.

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